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Sports Medical Cover

Event Medical Services offers pre-hospital emergency services for sports events in both Denmak and Europe. 

Event Medical Services helps at all sports events

We help ensure the safety of your sports event

There are many regulations that must be followed when organizing a sports event. At Event Medical Services, we specialize in providing healthcare emergency services for all types of sports events, such as motorsports, football matches, and cycling races.

First and foremost, we listen to your wants and needs, and combined with our healthcare advice and experience in the industry, we tailor the right healthcare emergency services for your event. Whether you simply need a nurse or a standby ambulance.

Event Medical Services can provide standby ambulances if requested by you.


We can, for example, provide standby ambulances in situations where it is required by law or where you as the event organizer must meet specific safety requirements set by sports associations.

Our ambulances are approved in accordance with applicable regulations and are equipped with modern monitoring equipment at the same advanced level as a regional ambulance. We staff the ambulances in accordance with the law, and our healthcare professionals will always ensure that the patient has a safe and secure experience with us in case of an accident.

We can provide assistance at many sports events

Ball sports

For example, when there are international soccer matches, there may be specific requirements from organizations like UEFA about how soccer clubs must provide medical support during both training and game execution.

Event Medical Services can provide medical support that complies with the requirements and regulations for UEFA matches.

Cycling Sports

At Event Medical Services, we have solid experience in providing safety for various types of cycling races, including road cycling, track cycling, MTB, BMX, cyclocross, and trials. We are available for both official cycling races under the Danish Cycling Federation as well as private events and corporate events.

Whether it's a leisurely cycling race in peaceful surroundings or a thrilling competition to achieve the best times, Event Medical Services can assist. In collaboration with the race organizer, we can put together a customer-tailored pre-hospital emergency medical service, for example, consisting of ambulances, emergency response cars, doctors, and nurses.


Whether you prefer two or four wheels, motorsports are an exciting sport. At Event Medical Services, we support organizers and clubs under both the Danish Automobile Sports Union (DASU), the Danish Motor Union (DMU), or any other organization, and we are ready with expertise and authorized personnel.

As the organizer of motorsport races and events, there are many safety requirements that must be met. Following the "Executive Order on the holding of motor racing on tracks," it is the organizer's responsibility to ensure that: "In motor racing with public access, there must also be a doctor and an ambulance present."

Event Medical Services can provide authorized and experienced doctors and ambulance responders and paramedics.

Combat sports

Event Medical Services can also assist with pre-hospital event preparedness for all types of combat sports, including boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-jitsu, karate, taekwondo, and many more.

For example, when hosting a Jiu-jitsu tournament, certain requirements must be met in the Ministry of Justice's Executive Order on certain public matches in combat sports.

The Order requires, among other things, that: "§7. Any match covered by § 1 shall be supervised by a tournament doctor who has permission to practice independently as a doctor. The tournament doctor must ensure that the match is conducted with due regard for the health and safety of the combatants."

Tailored solution

Get a tailored solution

When you hire Event Medical Services as the provider of pre-hospital event emergency services for your sports event, it is important to us that you are satisfied with the service we provide.

Therefore, we listen to your needs and requirements and put together the right solution with the optimal safety. No sports events are too big or too small, and all patients will have a professional and safe experience with us.

Contact us today